Today was a good day. I don't know why - it just was. I just felt a lot of joy in my life today...for no particular reason. I love it when I have days like today.
I've decided I want to start blogging more. And, when I feel like it, use my blog as a journal and not just a photo blog. I'm not the best writer, so you'll have to bear with me. However, in the 3rd grade my lifelong ambition was to be a writer. Ha.
My motivation for this comes from other photographers. There are SO many that inspire me with their amazing art. Lately, in addition to their photography, there are two in particular that really intrigue me and make me want to reflect more on my life. They are
Scarlett Lillian and
Jasmine Star. They have no idea, but they are an incredible source of encouragement for me personally and with my business.
I haven't really ever shared anything about my faith here yet...but tonight I think I will. Just because I feel like it.
Yesterday I stopped off at the good old Food Lion grocery to pick up some ice cream on my way home from work. I was just about to turn into my neighborhood when I noticed a small beagle cross the insanely busy street. He had a hurt paw and was limping. I suppose he could have been a "her", but for the sake of the story, we'll assume his manhood.
For some reason, I really have a heart for animals - especially one's that are hurting. Sometimes I think that I should become a police officer for animals in distress - like the one's on that show "Pet Rescue". (Although, I have a self-imposed rule that I'm not allowed to watch that show, as I end up hysterical and crying). Anyway, because of this, I just HAD to try to save the injured beagle. I flipped a u-turn as soon as I could and caught up with him.
He just kept running alongside the busy street, so I turned on my hazards and followed him until I got to a side street to turn off on. I jumped out of the car, got down on my hands and knees to try to appeal to him, and began calling for him to come to me. He gave me a quick look and kept on trucking. Clearly, he was freaked out, scared, and not knowing what he should do or where he should go. So, back in the car I go.
We played this game about four more times - everytime I got back into my unwashed, dented Honda - defeated and all the while, getting more and more upset (and yes, hysterical even...the way I get while watching Pet Rescue). All he did was run like a madman - trying to get to safety...trying to find his way back home.
I was SO desperate for him to come to me so I could help him. I kept thinking, "why won't he just come to me? All I want to do is to help him and take care of him and save him from the danger and madness all around him....he'll be SAFE if he comes to me!"
Even amongst this craziness of chasing down this dog for an hour, I began to think of this in a bigger picture. I began to think of this situation related to how God is always chasing after me when I get far from him....when I'm lost...when I'm hurting. And all I do is run further.
ALL He wants is to desperately get His arms around me so He can love me, nurse my wounds, comfort me when I'm freaked out/stressed out about life. He wants me to run to HIM, so He can calm my nerves and let me know that everything will be alright - and ultimately bring me back to where I need to be.
I'm sure God is saying the same thing that I did with the beagle - "Why won't she just come to me?! All she has to do is run on over into my arms and I'll put her in my Honda to drive her to comfort and safety!"
Okay...maybe I'm exaggerating - I mean....I'm sure God drives something a tad nicer then a Civic. :)
Sadly, the beagle did not ever make it to me. He crossed another street and I lost track of the poor little guy. I do hope he wandered into a quiet neighborhood and someone found him to help.
For me, this experience - the same experience that left me heartbroken and crying for the lost dog - is an incredible blessing. I do believe that God uses situations, circumstances, and experiences to teach us something or to reveal something to us. From now on, when I'm freaking out - running around like a crazy lady and on the verge of a complete meltdown - I'll remember the beagle. All he had to do was run to me.
Thanks for reading - I'm exhausted and need to have a cuddle with my pup and my husband. Some TV is in order - we won't be watching Pet Rescue....a marathon of Top Model should do the trick.
* Check back tomorrow night for a new photo blog post from tonight's "Charlotte One"!